This is an excellent and highly praised PDF to DWG converter. It works with PDF drawings created in AutoCAD applications. Transfer vector graphics and text over to DWG format for editing in professional CAD software programs.
- Free conversions take 1 hour to convert
- Fast conversions are completed within seconds
- PDF to AutoCAD / DWG converter
- No limits on file size or number of conversions
- The converted document is in the .dwg format. You would need a dwg viewer to open it
- Documents which, as a result of conversion, have multiple dwg files are zipped. You need to have a zip file viewer or extractor to access them
- Document is optimized for fast viewing.
- Fast and easy, won’t drain battery or resources
- Your file is deleted from our servers once the conversion is completed
- We do not guarantee the conversion of scanned PDFs or PDFs that were not exported from AutoCad
- 免费转换需要1小时才能转换
- 快速转换秒内完成
- PDF到AutoCAD / DWG转换器
- 文件大小或转换次数没有限制
- 转换后的文件是在.DWG格式。您将需要一个DWG浏览器打开它
- 文件当中,作为转换的结果,有多个DWG文件被压缩。你需要有一个zip文件查看器或提取器来访问它们
- 文件是快速查看了优化。
- 快速和容易的,不会耗尽电池或资源
- 您的文件是从我们的服务器一旦转换完成后删除
- 我们不保证没有从AutoCAD导出的扫描PDF文件或PDF文件的转换